Thursday, September 27, 2012

God's Grace ~ Progress

Wow Lysa TerKeurst you have written a book about ever women in the world ~ I feel like it was written directly to me, but I know I am not alone with the feelings I have.

I love in Chapter 1 on pg 17 it says"But might we also drink deeply from God's cup of hope and grace and peace as well?" How true is this sentence. I do I want to drink from this cup daily. We might not be perfect or be perfect on progress but we should rest in the fact that God does show us his grace.  He is our peace in all situations, if and let me repeat if we rely and trust in him. He also is our hope....our hope for a future of love, no more pain and no more tears. He is our eternity!

I love this whole chapter and how Lysa reminds us that "God gave us emotions  to experience life not destroy it"

What a powerful statement! Sometimes when we are having moments in life when things just seem so out of control and all we really want to do is scream and run.....well truth be told we can't, well I guess we could but then we would be giving up. We (I) can't always go through life giving up, we just have to learn how to deal or as Lysa says "Imperfect changes are slow steps of progress wrapped in grace" (pg 14) and who doesn't need grace? Oh I do and I need a whole lot of Grace!

We are only human and we are not perfect, but with Grace, stepping out in Faith and completely trusting in God, we can conquer little steps or"baby steps" at a time and as Lysa says on pg 17 "And it will good to make this imperfect progress together."

Oh Lord, where do I begin. I know I am your  work in progress...I know you see a master piece in me Lord and you are not done with me. I am sure you see your beautiful creation in the end, but oh Lord, I do not see what you see yet, I am still in my hard places and I need to as Lysa TerKeurst says ~pause and say "Lord chisel me" oh please Lord chisel me.  Open my eyes to all the beauty. Place upon me the strength to take these baby steps of imperfect progress.  Allow my eyes to see all the beauty I am missing. Equip me with the knowledge I need and am in need of. Give me the grace to not be so hard on myself ~ let me reflect on you and see your work in me is yet complete.  Remind me Lord, challenge me to Trust in you, to take that step of faith (or even leap of faith - like being a small group leader) when you are calling me to .  In Jesus Name ~ Amen

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created  in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.   Ephesians 2:8-10

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