Thursday, April 25, 2013

My Blessing ~ Group 25

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. 
Ecclesiastes 4:9

While reading "Stressed-Less Living by Tracie Miles" my eyes have been opened to the stress that I have been avoiding dealing with. I am under a ton of stress at my job, stress that has been affecting my health for quiet some time now. Not only my health but my heart too - Spiritual!

This stress has caused me to want to crawl under the sheets some mornings and not get up. It has caused negative feelings, sadness, and stomach turning feelings of sickness every morning driving to work ~ Ouch! 

Well I realized this past couple weeks that I have this incredible blessing in my life that has been helping to rid some of that negative energy caused from this stress. This blessing is my Beautiful Amazing Group 25!

Being the Group Leader for this group has given me a much bigger purpose in my life ~ a true God driven purpose. I look forward to starting each day and leaving these women a message each morning. During the day I feel joy of checking on my group and seeing their post or responses to the assignments in the study or if they liked a post. This group of women have brought me so much joy and they have no clue about it (well until now). 

On pg.63 in "Stressed-Less Living" Tracie says "He (God) came bringing spiritual healing that not only saves the soul but saturates it with peace and minimizes the stress in our hearts." oh yes yes he does and he has done this with me through the OBS and Group 25! this group is the blessing from God that has saved my soul. Leading these ladies in this study and past studies has brought me spiritual healing and strengthened my walk with God. These women have Beautiful God loving souls and I thank God for bring each on of them into my life.

Thank you Jesus for OBS & Group 25!!!

Ladies in Group 25~
I love each one of you, My Sisters in Christ. You are Beautiful, Inspiring, Strong Women. I thank God for leading us to each other and this study. I love being on this journey with you to finding God's Peace in our Chaotic Worlds. I am Honored and Blessed to be your Group Leader. Keep being the Awesome Ladies you are and I am proud of each one of you! Love & Blessings ~ Lauren


  1. Beautiful... and they are blessed to have you as well. <3

  2. Lauren, So glad you are releasing some of that stress! It amazes me that we can have and know peace even in the midst of unfavorable and imperfect circumstances. He is so good to us! And I know the group is awesome, too! :) Blessings! ~Shelly Faust (OBS Leader)

  3. Lauren you are a blessing from God to group 25, I was honored to be in your group for 3 studies and your love, compassion and grace filled our group everyday. I am blessed to have you as a friend and sister in Christ forever. Love you.....

  4. Thank you Ladies! I love you all too! You all are Blessings to me Too <3

  5. Hi sweet girl ~ my heart aches for you sweet one. I wish I could just absorb it for you. You are an amazing leader to group 25 you have such a giving heart, a Jesus heart. Your group is blessed to have you guide them through each study.
    One step at a time, praying for Peace to overwhelm your soul HUGS
