Thursday, June 6, 2013

Do Not Fear ~ Trust

(picture by Proverbs 31 Ministries)

Trails, difficulties, struggles, stress...........we all have them and some us of us might be dealing with one of these (or more) right at this very moment!

when I am  passing through these times I often look to myself to make things better rather than looking to God - then I start the whole pattern of "Lord, where are you? Why are you not helping me? Why are you not answering my prayers?"  Sound familiar?

The problem is I am not trusting in God, and he is there, he is always there.  He is just waiting for me to invite him in and for me to rely on him.  See Isaiah 43:1-3a reminds us that God is with us, he protects us, he restores us, he is with us during difficulties and his love for us never stops - it is unconditional and he is a merciful God! This verse is also a huge reminder to Trust in the Lord.

I have been going through some tough struggles and difficulties lately and much added stress, I feel broken down and like Satan has a Big Red Bulls-eye on my back and the attacks keep coming left and right.  I have been emotionally tired and often find myself wondering "When is this all going to end, how am I going to solve these things and make it all end?" But see right there is my problem I am rely on me NOT God, and all the while God is whispering in my ear, 
"Do Not Fear Lauren, I am with you. Trust in me, come to me, take my hand and allow me to guide and protect you ~ I will get you through this difficulties."
His love for me is unconditional that he doesn't give up on me, he continues to whisper to me and is waiting for me to rely on him.

Instead of trying to do all this on my own, I need to grab a hold of God's hand, hold tight and cling to it. I need to allow him to have the control over my life and guide me. I realize I can not make it through the crashing waves of stress, difficulties and trying times on my own---------I NEED GOD!!!!

I need to Trust  in him and allow him to Rule my Heart as well. As Tracie Miles says on page 195 in Stressed-Less Living, "if God is ruling over our Hearts, victory is possible."  I don't know about you but I want victory. I am fixing my eyes on Jesus and reaching my hand out right now------Do you want to join me?

But I trust in you, Lord;
    I say, “You are my God.”
My times are in your hands;
    deliver me from the hands of my enemies,
    from those who pursue me.
Psalm 31:14-15

(found on Pinterest)


  1. Lauren, as I was reading your blog, the word 'yes' kept going through my mind. The enemy has ramped up his spiritual attacks, not only on me, but on my family. I am joining you, by stretching my hand out of the pit so that Jesus can grab hold. Love you and keeping you covered in prayer! Lori K (OBS Group Leader)

    1. Love you too Lori! I am so glad you are joining me! Praying for you too! We can do this together!

  2. Lauren I believe Satan has ramped up on all of us these last few months - the more we grow - the more he dislikes it. I am praying for you and joining you in victory. Hugs. Debbie W. (OBS Group Leader)

  3. Love this, Lauren... and love you, too!

  4. My sweet Arizona girl, I love you and know Jesus is bigger and he has you in His righteous right hand. Satan is attacking because he is afraid of you! You are powerful and jesus is right there beside you. You are an amazing woman and cannot wait for the day I actually get to hug you and dance on the beach HUGS

  5. You are so on target, I do the same thing out on my own and then cry out, when all along he was just waiting for me to all out. Thank you for sharing, love you.
