Thursday, July 5, 2012

Beauty & Glory

So the other night (Tuesday night..I am a little behind) was the summer session of women's bible study at church, the theme is "Beautiful You!". It was a great lesson and very uplifting.  It was just what was needed after a long stressful go and let it all go to the Lord and be lifted up!

It is amazing how God  leads us to things, places or events to be able to communicate to us or get through to us. Like that night I believe God was giving me more signs, for example on the online bible study I am doing the memory verse for the week is: " So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 and on Tuesday night we spoke about things for the glory of God and God's glory. I was so awesome how the two groups tied together for me and it gave me a moment of "Wow God is speaking to me".  So it made me realize no matter what is happening in my life or around me, I must continue  to be living my life in a way that glorifies God, I want to be doing things that do it all for the glory of God.

The other thing we spoke about Tuesday night was beauty......God's Beauty.  It is funny how we (or I should say I) am always wondering if I am pretty enough, do I look beautiful.....but I realized I don't need to sit and worry over these things, I am Beautiful.....I am one of God's Creations and he thinks I am beautiful.  We are all unique & God created us all differently but we are his creations and his creations are Beautiful!!!

So I am going to live my life for God, I am going to do it all in glory, righteousness, Grace and Love! And I am also going to remember and remind others that we are Beautiful ~ We are his!!

So I will end it with one of the Bible study verses from Tuesday night:

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a women who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30

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